The Card-ii-Omics young scientists Dr. Stephan Michalik (Department of Functional Genomics, University Medicine Greifswald), Dr. Martina Sombetzki (Department of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, University Medical Center Rostock) and Maria Nordengrün (Department of Immunology, University Medicine Greifswald) were awarded poster prizes for the presentation of their scientific results at international conferences. The evaluation was carried out by experts from the respective fields at the technology conference "xMAP® connect" in Amsterdam (Netherlands), the conference on "Parasitic Helminths - New Perspectives in Biology and Infection" in Hydra (Greece) and the international symposium "Allergy meets Infection" in Lübeck (Germany). Participation in international and national conferences is supported and promoted by our research team. We congratulate the young talents on their success.